University of Alaska Fairbanks
Geophysical Institute

Beyond the Mouse - The geoscientist's computational chest.

1. Thinking Programs

"Programming is legitimate and necessary academic endeavor."
Donald E. Knuth

The esoteric part of the class.


thinking programs (pdf)


For this lecture examples are the flowcharts given in the pdf. The few sources are available as tar.gz or zip archive.


0. aSend an email to Ronni, briefly summarize your background (which field are you working in, what OS's you use, programming experience, etc). Add another paragraph with things you are interested in that haven't made it into the schedule so I get an overview of the demand. Also welcome: pictures of cats and dogs, volcanoes and glaciers.
0. b Attach a snapshot of your project directory (as it is right now) to this email. Do not include huge data files, I am mainly interested in your scripts (if you have some) and the ways you are processing your data right now. Give a brief explanation of your work flow (maybe even in the form of a flow chart). We will request another snapshot after the class and hope to see some improvement :).
1. Find bugs/problems in Class flow chart
2. Try to break down a complex task into simple subroutines:
Problems could be: your project (recommended! and preferred!), understand the world, your life, bring world peace, ... be creative! Write out sub-steps, then draw a flowchart. Think about which components could be generalized and reused multiple times in the program flow.

ronni <at> gi <dot> alaska <dot> edu | last changed: September 17, 2009