
volcanoes, earthquakes
and the hydrosphere through geodesy


submitted / in press

peer reviewed articles

  1. Meier, N., E.E. Rodriguez, R. Grapenthin, A. Newman, C. Donahue, E.O. Lindsey, P. Roberts, S. Devine (2025) Limited surface deformation, seismicity, and seismic velocity changes observed in Valles Caldera over decadal timescales, JVGR doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2025.108283 | [preprint]
  2. Elliott, J., J.T. Freymueller, R. Grapenthin (2024), Geodetic Observations of Tectonic Deformation in Alaska and western Canada: The EarthScope Revolution, chapter in Tectonics and seismicity of Alaska and Western Canada: Earthscope and Beyond
  3. Coombs, M.; C. Cameron; H. Dietterich; E. Boyce; A. Wech; R. Grapenthin; K. Wallace; T. Parker; T. Lopez; S. Crass; D. Fee; M. Haney; D. Ketner; M. Loewen; J. Lyons; J. Nakai; J. Power; S. Botnick; I. Brewster; M. Enders; D. Harmon; P. Kelly; M. Randall (2024) From field station to forecast: managing data at the Alaska Volcano Observatory, Bull. Volc., vol 86 (79) doi:10.1007/s00445-024-01766-0.
  4. Grapenthin, R. (2024), The Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS): Positioning, Velocities, and Reflections. In: Chaussard, E., Jones, C., Chen, J.A., Donnellan, A. (eds) Remote Sensing for Characterization of Geohazards and Natural Resources. Springer Remote Sensing/Photogrammetry. Springer, Cham. 10.1007/978-3-031-59306-2_2, [preprint PDF].
  5. Gochenour, J.A, A. Rinehart, A. Luhmann, R. Grapenthin, S. Bilek (2024), Poroelastic Response to Karst Conduit Pressurization: A Finite Element Modeling Exercise Toward the Use of Tiltmeters in Karst Aquifer Monitoring Applications, WRR, vol 60 (7), e2022WR034293 doi:10.1029/2022WR034293 [pdf].
  6. Gochenour, J., S. Bilek, H.B. Woo, A. Luhmann, R. Grapenthin, J. Martin (2024), Ambient Seismic Noise Tomography within the Floridan Aquifer System, Santa Fe River-Sink Rise, Florida, U. S., JGR-ES, vol 129(5), e2023JB027644 doi:10.1029/2023JB027644 [pdf].
  7. Angarita, M., R. Grapenthin, S. Henderson, M. Christoffersen, K. Anderson (2024), Versatile Modeling Of Deformation (VMOD) Inversion Framework: Application to 20 years of observations at Westdahl Volcano and Fisher Caldera, Alaska, US, Geochem., Geophys., Geosys. (G3), vol 25(4), e2023GC011341, doi:10.1029/2023GC011341 [pdf].
  8. Parks, M.M., F. Sigmundsson, V. Drouin, S. Hreinsdóttir, A. Hooper, Y. Yang, B.G. Ófeigsson, E. Sturkell, Á.R. Hjartadóttir, R. Grapenthin, H. Geirsson, E. Trasatti, S. Barsotti, R. Pedersen, P. Einarsson, B.A. Óladóttir, H.M. Friðriksdóttir (2024), 2021-2023 unrest and geodetic observations at Askja Volcano, Iceland, GRL, vol 51(4), e2023GL106730, doi:10.1029/2023GL106730 [pdf].
  9. Cheng, Y., R. Grapenthin (2024), The Alaska Makushin Volcano 2016-2018 inflation and its potential relation to the 2020 earthquake swarm, from GNSS observations (2024), JVGR, vol 446, 108010, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2024.108010 [pdf | video summary].
  10. Crozier, J., L. Karlstrom, E. Montgomery-Brown, M. Angarita, V. Cayol, M.-G. Bato, T.A. Wang, R. Grapenthin, T. Shreve, K.R. Anderson, A. Astort, O. Bodart, F. Cannavó, G. Currenti, F. Dabaghi, B. Erickson, D. Garg, M. Head, A. Iozzia, Y. C. Kim, H. Le Mével, C. Novoa Lizama, C. Rocker, F. Silverii, E. Trasatti, Y. Zhan (2023), Understanding the drivers of volcano deformation through geodetic model verification and validation, Bull. Volc., vol 85(74), doi:10.1007/s00445-023-01687-4 [pdf].
  11. Block, G.A., M. Roy, E. Graves, R. Grapenthin (2023), Pressurizing Magma Within Heterogeneous Crust: A Case Study at the Socorro Magma Body, New Mexico, USA, GRL, vol 50(20), e2023GL105689, doi: 10.1029/2023GL105689 [pdf].
  12. Graves, E., A. Rinehart, R. Grapenthin, M. Angarita, J. Grigg (2023), Leaky injection wells as threats and opportunities: InSAR analysis of an injection well in New Mexico's Vacuum wellfield, Scientific Reports, 13, 17308, doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-42696-9 [pdf].
  13. Koymans, M. R., E. de Zeeuw-van Dalfsen, J. Sepúlveda, L.G. Evers, J.M. Giniaux, R. Grapenthin, A. Hooper, B.G. Ofeigsson, F. Sigmundsson, Y. Yang (2023), Decades of Subsidence Followed By Rapid Uplift: Insights from Microgravity Data at Askja Volcano, Iceland, JVGR, vol 442, 107890, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2023.107890 [pdf].
  14. Woo, H.B, S. Bilek, J.A. Gochenour, R. Grapenthin, A.J. Luhmann, J.B. Martin (2023), Processing Ambient Noise Data Using Phase Cross-Correlation and Application Towards Understanding Spatiotemporal Environmental Effects, JGR-ES, vol 128(7), e2023JF007091, doi:10.1029/2023JF007091 [pdf].
  15. Bilek, S.L., A.J. Luhmann, R. Grapenthin, H.B. Woo, J.A. Gochenour (2023), Capturing Seismic Signals from Karst Aquifer Injection Experiments and a Natural Recharge Event, JGR, vol 126(4), e2022JB025635, doi:10.1029/2022JB025635 [pdf].
  16. Parameswaran, R., R. Grapenthin, M.E. West, A. Fozkos (2023), Interchangeable use of GNSS and seismic data for rapid earthquake characterization: 2021 Chignik earthquake, Alaska, SRL, doi:10.1785/0220220357 [pdf | video summary].
  17. Grapenthin, R., P. Kyle, R.C. Aster, M. Angarita, T. Wilson, J. Chaput (2022), Deformation at the open-vent Erebus volcano, Antarctica, from more than 20 years of GNSS Observations, JVGR, vol 432, 107703, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2022.107703.
  18. Kasatkina, E., I. Koulakov, R. Grapenthin, P. Izbekov, J. Larsen, N. Al-Arifi, S. Qasyi (2022), Multiple magma sources beneath the Okmok caldera as inferred from local earthquake tomography, JGR, e2022JB024656, doi: 10.1029/2022JB024656.
  19. Grapenthin, R., Y. Cheng, M. Angarita, D. Tan, F.J. Meyer, D. Fee, A. Wech (2022), Return from Dormancy: Rapid inflation and seismic unrest driven by transcrustal magma transfer at Mt. Edgecumbe (L'úx Shaa) Volcano, Alaska, GRL, e2022GL099464, doi:10.1029/2022GL099464.
  20. Angarita, M., R. Grapenthin, S. Plank, F. Meyer, H. Dietterich (2022), Quantifying large-scale surface change using SAR amplitude images: Crater morphology changes during the 2019-2020 Shishaldin Volcano eruption, JGR, 127, e2022JB024344, doi:10.1029/2022JB024344 [pdf | video summary].
  21. Li, S., R. Grapenthin, F. Sigmundsson, V. Drouin, S. Hreinsdottir, B. Ofeigsson (2022), Post-rifting relaxation during 2015-2020 following the Bardarbunga-Holuhraun dike intrusion and eruption in Iceland GRL, vol 49 (13), e2022GL098977, doi:10.1029/2022GL098977 [pdf].
  22. Elliott, J., R. Grapenthin, R. Parameswaran, Z. Xiao, J.T. Freymueller, L. Fusso (2022), Cascading Rupture of a Megathrust, Science Advances, vol 8 (18), abm4131, doi:10.1126/sciadv.abm4131 [pdf].
  23. Xiao, Z., J.T.Freymueller, R. Grapenthin, J. Elliott, C. Drooff, L. Fusso (2021), The Deep Shumagin Gap Filled: Kinematic Rupture Model and Slip Budget Analysis of the 2020 Mw 7.8 Simeonof Earthquake Constrained by GNSS, Global Seismic Waveforms, and Floating InSAR, EPSL, vol. 576, 117241, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2021.117241 [pdf].
  24. Li, S., F. Sigmundsson, V. Drouin, B. Ofeigsson, M. Parks, K. Jonsdottir, R. Grapenthin, H. Geirsson, A. Hooper (2021), Ground deformation after a caldera collapse: Contributions of magma inflow and viscoelastic response to the 2015-2018 deformation field around Bardarbunga, Iceland, JGR, vol 126, doi:10.1029/2020JB020157, [pdf]
  25. Sigmundsson, F., V. Pinel, R. Grapenthin, A. Hooper, S. A. Halldorsson, P. Einarsson, B. G. Ofeigsson, E. R. Heimisson, K. Jonsdottir, M. T. Gudmundsson, K. Vogfjiörd, M. Parks, S. Li, V. Drouin, H. Geirsson, S. Dumont, H. M. Fridriksdottir, G. B. Gudmundsson, T. Wright, T. Yamasaki (2020), Unexpected large eruptions from buoyant magma bodies within viscoelastic crust, Nature Communications, Vol 11, 2403, doi:10.1038/s41467-020-16054-6, [pdf]
  26. Grapenthin, R., S. Kelley, M. Person, and M. Folsom (2019), Decadal-scale aquifer dynamics and structural complexities at a municipal wellfield revealed by 25 years of InSAR and recent groundwater temperature observations, Water Resources Research, Vol. 55 (12), pp. 10636-10656, doi:10.1029/2018WR022552, [pdf]
  27. Kaneko, Y., Y. Ito, B. Chow, L.M. Wallace, C. Tape, R. Grapenthin, E. D'Anastasio, S. Henrys, R. Hino (2019), Ultra-long duration of ground motion arising from a thick, low velocity sedimentary wedge, JGR, Vol 124(10), pp. 10347-10359, doi:10.1029/2019JB017795, [pdf]
  28. Ruhl, C., D. Melgar, A. Chung, R. Grapenthin, R.M. Allen (2019), Quantifying the Value of Real-time Geodetic Constraints on Earthquake Early Warning using a Global Seismic and Geodetic Dataset, JGR, Vol. 124(4), pp. 3819-3837, doi:10.1029/2018JB016935 [pdf
  29. Grapenthin, R., S. Hreinsdottir, and A. Van Eaton (2018), Volcanic Hail Detected With GPS: The 2011 Eruption of Grimsvötn Volcano, Iceland, GRL, doi:10.1029/2018GL080317, [pdf]
  30. Murray, J.R., B.W. Crowell, R. Grapenthin, K. Hodgkinson, J.O. Langbein, T. Melbourne, D. Melgar, S.E. Minson, and D.A. Schmidt (2018), Development of a Geodetic Component for the U. S. West Coast Earthquake Early Warning System, SRL, doi:10.1785/0220180162, [pdf].
  31. Zhang, Y., M. Person, V. Voller, D. Cohen, J. McIntosh, and R. Grapenthin (2018), Hydromechanical Impacts of Pleistocene Glaciations on Pore Fluid Pressure Evolution, Rock Failure, and Brine Migration within Sedimentary Basins and the Crystalline Basement, Water Resources Research, doi:10.1029/2017WR022464, [pdf].
  32. Sigmundsson, F., M. Parks, R. Pedersen, K. Jonsdottir, B.G. Ofeigsson, R. Grapenthin, S. Dumont, P. Einarsson, V. Drouin, A.R. Hjartardottir, M.T. Gudmundsson, H. Geirsson, S. Hreinsdottir, E. Sturkell, E.R. Heimisson, Th. Högnadottir, A. Hooper, K. Vogfjörd, T. Barnie, and M. Roberts (2018), Magma movements in volcano plumbing systems and their associated ground deformation, pp. 285-322, in "Volcanic and Igneous Plumbing Systems", edited by Steffi Burchardt doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-809749-6.00011-X [pdf].
  33. Grapenthin, R., M. West, C. Tape, M. Gardine, and J. T. Freymueller (2018), Single-frequency instantaneous GNSS velocities resolve dynamic ground motion of the 2016 Mw7.1 Iniskin Earthquake, Alaska, SRL, Vol. 89(3), pp. 1040-1048, doi: 10.1785/0220170235 [pdf].
  34. Ruhl, C., D. Melgar, R. Grapenthin, R.M. Allen (2017), The Value of Real-Time GNSS to Earthquake Early Warning, GRL, doi: 10.1002/2017GL074502 [pdf].
  35. Grapenthin, R., M. West, and J. T. Freymueller (2017), The Utility of GNSS for Earthquake Early Warning in Regions with Sparse Seismic Networks, BSSA, doi: 10.1785/0120160317 [pdf].
  36. Grapenthin, R., I.A. Johanson, R.M. Allen (2014), The 2014 Mw 6.0 Napa earthquake, California: Observations from real-time GPS-enhanced earthquake early warning GRL, Vol. 41, pp. 8269-8276, doi: 10.1002/2014GL061923 [pdf]
  37. Grapenthin, R., I.A. Johanson, R.M. Allen (2014), Operational real-time GPS-enhanced earthquake early warning. JGR, Vol. 119, pp. 7944-7965, doi: 10.1002/2014JB011400 [pdf]
  38. Hreinsdóttir, S., F. Sigmundsson, M.J. Roberts, H. Björnsson, R. Grapenthin, P. Arason, Th. Árnadóttir, J. Hólmjárn, H. Geirsson, R.A. Bennett, M.T. Gudmundsson, B. Oddsson, B.G. Ófeigsson, T. Villemin, T. Jónsson, E. Sturkell, Á Höskuldsson, G. Larsen, T. Thordarson, and B.A. Óladóttir (2014), Volcanic plume height correlated with magma-pressure change at Grímsviötn Volcano, Iceland, Nature Geoscience, doi:10.1038/ngeo2044, [pdf, pdf supplements]
  39. Grapenthin, R. (2014), CrusDe: A plug-in based simulation framework for composable CRUStal DEformation simulations. Computers & Geosciences, Vol. 62, pp. 168-177 doi: 10.1016/j.cageo.2013.07.005 [pdf]
  40. Grapenthin, R., J. T. Freymueller, S. S. Serovetnikov (2013), Surface Deformation of Bezymianny Volcano, Kamchatka, Recorded by GPS: The Eruptions from 2005-2010 and Long-term, Long-wavelength Subsidence, JVGR, Vol. 263, pp. 58-74, doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2012.11.012 [pdf]
  41. Grapenthin, R., J. T. Freymueller, A. M. Kaufman (2013), Geodetic Observations during the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, JVGR, Vol. 259, pp. 115-132, doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2012.04.021 [pdf]
  42. Grapenthin, R. (2011), Computer programing for geosciences: Teach your students how to make tools, EOS Forum, Vol. 82, Issue 50, pp. 469-470, doi: 10.1029/2011EO500010 [pdf]
  43. Grapenthin, R., and J. T. Freymueller (2011), The dynamics of a seismic wave field: Animation and analysis of kinematic GPS data recorded during the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, Japan, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L18308, doi:10.1029/2011GL048405 [pdf]
  44. Ofeigsson, B., A. Hooper, F. Sigmundsson, E. Sturkell, and R. Grapenthin (2011), Deep magma storage at Hekla volcano, Iceland, revealed by InSAR time series analysis, JGR, 116, B05401, doi:10.1029/2010JB007576 [pdf]
  45. Grapenthin, R., B. Ofeigsson, F. Sigmundsson, E. Sturkell, A. Hooper (2010), Pressure sources versus surface loads: Analyzing volcano deformation signal composition with an application to Hekla volcano, Iceland, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L20310, doi:10.1029/2010GL044590. [pdf]
  46. Grapenthin, R., F. Sigmundsson, H. Geirsson, T. Arnadottir, V. Pinel (2006), Icelandic rhythmics: Annual modulation of land elevation and plate spreading by snow load, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L24305, doi:10.1029/2006GL028081 [pdf]



| Last modified: February 04 2025 19:19.